Planning Considerations
The following is not an exhaustive list but just a few aspects of financial planning that I often find individuals value assistance with:
- What about the new pension freedoms?
- When can a transfer of DB/Final Salary scheme be in my client’s best interests and can you help me with writing the report?
- How much tax will be deducted from a UFPLS and what does operating an "emergency code on a M1 basis" mean anyway?
- SIPP or SSAS, what about a section 32? Can a scheme pension work for my client?
- How on earth do QROPS and QNUPS fit in?
- How do the transitional 2015/16 PIP rules impact on my client and how does that interact with carry forward, both now and in the future?
- With the introduction of tapering to the annual allowance, how do I work out “threshold income” and “adjusted income”?
- How do I plan with the annual allowance and mitigate the impact of the lifetime allowance?
- When can pension scheme death benefits become liable to IHT on death?
- Is there still a reason to use a trust to accept pension lump sum death benefits or is it redundant with the pension freedoms?
- What sort of trust should I use? When can I use a trust for the disabled?
- How do I mitigate the impact of IHT for my client?
- Have I got that chargeable event gain calculation correct?
- When is an onshore bond better/worse than an offshore bond?
- Which fund types should I use in a pension or bond wrapper?
- How do I calculate CGT on a planned disposal?
- What about:
- Personal Allowance taper?
- High Income Child Benefit Charge?
- How does the change to the Single-tier State Pension impact on my clients?
- What should I know that can help me with my key HNW clients?
- Can you review a report for me before I send it as I'd value an independent opinion?
- An individual can receive £22,000 of income in 2016/17 without any tax liability, how do I plan to make that achievable for my clients?
- How can pensions be used to withdraw "income" tax efficiently from a company?
- How does salary sacrifice work now?
The provision of a timely and solution-focussed answer to these or other similar questions can help you deliver a valuable service to your clients.