For Advisory & Planning Firms
Advisory and planning firms come in all shapes and sizes, from those with just a single advisor right up to those with a large number of advisors and paraplanners. I can tailor my services to meet your needs.
Outsourced paraplanning firms:
This is becoming a more popular service offering. Am I in competition with you? I don't think so, it is more likely that I can compliment your service offering. It may be that you need help yourself with the working through of a particular technical issue in respect of a current item of work, or you might need training on a particular aspect of legislation. Whichever it is, I can potentially help.
Firms with one or two financial planners:
It can be lonely out there working on your own or with just one other person, trying to keep up to date with a constantly changing legislative landscape. Many providers have scaled back their help desks or have even closed them down altogether; so where can you get good quality, unbiased technical help?
I can provide you with:
- Client focussed technical answers and solutions based upon your client's needs. This could be just spending 15 minutes over the phone or over a number of calls and e-mails to help you plan the technical elements of a complex planning solution for a client.
- Assistance in brainstorming different options for a client (or prospect) so that you can focus down on which solution is right for you to present to them.
- Confirm your understanding of a technical aspect relating to a particular client. It is much better, for the sake of a short phone call, to make sure you've got it 100% right.
- Your very own, 1:1 help desk.
For firms with a greater number of financial planners:
Even larger firms who have their own technical resource will, from time to time, need help with some of the more obscure queries they come across.
By specialising and maintaining my knowledge, I can provide advisory firms, regardless of size, the technical support they need. This can be delivered without the overheads of employing someone (or someone extra) full-time.
Your need may only be to refer queries once or twice a month, or it may be that you have a greater need, perhaps to cover maternity leave etc. Nothing is too small to consider.
However, to make it work, you’ll appreciate that it is best to direct all queries through one or two individuals only, perhaps from within your own technical team.